Saturday, April 1, 2017

ITHS Commemorated the Genocide Day and Independence Day

International Turkish Hope School has commemorated the Genocide Day and celebrated the Independence Day with a colorful program on 27th March 2017. The program was honored by the presence of 9 valiant freedom fighters and among them; seven were the gallantry award holders. The following were the guests of honor in the said program:

Mr. Mashrurul Haq Siddique, Bir Uttom
Mr. Shahjahan Siddique, Bir Bikrom
Dr. Abul Kashem Mahbubul Alam, Bir Protik
Mr. Nurul Islam, Bir Bikrom, Bir Protik
Mr. Zahurul Haq Munshi, Bir Protik (Bar)
Mr. Md. Mahbub Elahi Ranju, Bir Protik
Mr. Abdus Sobhan, Bir Protik
Mr. Ghulam Mustafa, Freedom Fighter
Maj Qamrul Hassan Bhuiyan (Retd.), Freedom Fighter

The students, parents and the faculty of ITHS received the guests of honor with a warm reception and applauses upon their entrance to the auditorium; this was truly a memorable and historic moment for ITHS.

The students of ITHS have performed songs, dances, poem recitations and documentary in order to show their respects to the country and especially to the freedom fighters, prior to the session held by the guests of honor.

The cultural program was followed by an informative session conducted by the guests of honor under the leadership of Major Qamrul Hassan Bhuiyan (Retd.). The heroic freedom fighters narrated their untold stories of the Liberation War and explained the significance of the Genocide Day and the Independence Day, and inspired all to be a contributing citizen of the country to build a better Bangladesh. Their moving stories brought out the cheers of Joy Bangla from the audience; a feeling patriotism and national pride was omnipresent in the auditorium.

It was indeed an active history lesson for the entire audience. The enlightening session left the audience and students eager for insight of the freedom fighter’s accounts of the Liberation War and students requested the freedom fighters to share more of their stories in the near future to learn more about the Liberation War and the sacrifices and struggles the entire nation endured during those years.

The program was concluded with the crest presentation to the Freedom fighters. On behalf of the School Management, Mr. Bedrettin Suata, Chairman of Standing Committee and Mr. Yavuz Koca, Principal of ITHS, have handed over some token of respects including Crests to the honorable guests. Poet and Writer Mr. Farid Kabir and Head of Cultural & Publication Affairs of ITHS Mr. Md. Shahriar Bin Mukhles have jointly conducted and anchored this session.

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