Sunday, April 16, 2017


International Turkish Hope School, Senior Girls Section galvanized with excitement as they kicked off the first ever “The English Language Fiesta, 2017,” on 13th April of this year. The theme of the program was ‘Diversity’ and students truly showcased a diverse array of performances that mesmerized their audience.

The program was kicked off with an invigorating performance of the national anthem followed by an eloquent speech by Senior girls section Head of Section, Idris Koken. Then the program started in full throttle with two finalists of the singing competition to show off their amazing vocal talents.
It is said that “poetry is the best form of language” and ITHS Senior girls section has plenty of talented poets. Among them, the winning poem was recited followed by winning entry of the most creative story. Soon after that, Spelling Bee competition started with a live performed on stage which was heartily cheered by the students and teachers. After the spelling bee competition, the 2 finalists of the singing competition, Zarin Subah (Don't by Ed sheeran) and Nafisaba Nazmul (Angel with a shotgun by the Cab) brought forth breathtaking performances to woo the judges.
After light hearted music, the stage was again fired up with an intense debate amongst the finalists who showed off their wits. After the fiery debate in order to cool down the tension, a short video on the events of the English language department was showcased. To bring color to the event, students brought fantasies to life by dressing as their favorite characters for the book parade. Some notable characters were from famous novels such as Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and Midsummer Night's dream.  
To congratulate the winners there was an award distribution and the show was ended with an energetic western dance performance. The audience cheered throughout the dance performance and everyone loved the choreography.

This annual function revealed creativity, eagerness and passion of the students to take part on different activities and competitions. Students are learning to deal with the stage fright and competing each other. This Language fiesta brought a variety and fun to their school life to hold on forever. Their hard work were paid off with awards and lot of appreciations.

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