Sunday, May 8, 2016


International Festival of Language and Culture (IFLC) is an annually celebrated festival and showcase for the linguistic and cultural talents from across the world. It is dedicated to the youth to share their cultural heritage with their peers around the world. The event’s mission is to promote peace, love, and cultural exchange through the world.
The Festival 1st started in 2003 with the participation of 17 countries, whereas last year, 145 countries took part in this event with more than 2000 participants.
The Senegal leg of IFLC 2016 was held on the 23rd of April in Dakar, the capital city of Senegal, at the Grand Theatre National De Dakar which was packed from the morning with more than 2000 viewers.
Besides Bangladesh and the hosting country Senegal, 15 following countries were represented in the festival; USA, Romania, France, Albania, Kosovo,  Guinea Conakry, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, South Africa, Tunisia, Morocco, Iraq, Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia.
In the Finale Programme, the participants from different corners of the globe were on the stage to perform their lively songs and folk dances for IFLC Senegal 2016. Our student Mostary Ahmed Momy represented Bangladesh with the song “Mon Amar” and received big applause from the audience. The Chief Guest and other government officials who were present at the event expressed their thanks and gratitude to the organizing committee for the marvelous programme.

Throughout the 5-day event, young talents were welcomed by many TV and radio shows as well as the government officials and shared their culture. They also had the chance of visiting local historical and cultural sights. 

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