Wednesday, February 17, 2016

5th Inter School Bangla Olympiad

Bangladesh belongs to rich and composite cultures and over the centuries it has assimilated influences of diverse religions which is manifested in various forms of cultural activities.
With a view to increasing interest of adolescents in their mother tongue and indigenous cultures and in tribute to all martyrs of 1952, International Turkish Hope School celebrated the International Mother Language Day by hosting the fifth Bangla Olympiad in its own premises on 13th January. It has been regularly organized by the International Turkish Hope School since 2012. Bangla Olympiad is an annual Inter-school competition arranged for the students of English Medium Schools to nourish their interest and intellect in Bangla.
The gala program commenced with the recitation from the Holy Quran and rendition of national anthem of Bangladesh. The Head of Senior Boys Section of ITHS Mr. Zubeyir Bayram inaugurated the event with his welcome speech to the audience. The welcome speech was followed by performance of the juveniles in various events. A total of 938 participants from 31 different schools of 44 separate branches vied in four different categories. The school auditorium was teemed with audience to the capacity.

International Turkish Hope School believes that children will play a prominent role in the development of Bangla cultures to help our country to reach the pinnacle of progress and prosperity. The School will continue to hold the events in such manner in the years to come to develop interest in our native culture and heritage and patriotism in the mind of students. With the dedicated endeavor of the members of the committee this program was a grand success.
An adjudicator panel was formed comprising noted singers and artists to adjudge their performances. The scintillating program was concluded by a vote of thanks by Mr. Shameem Reza.

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