Saturday, December 2, 2017

3rd Business Week 2017 held at ITHS Senior Girls Section

The ‘3rd Business Week’ for  2017-2018 session was seemingly the most exciting week for all business background students of ITHS Senior Girls’ Section. The festivities of Business Week started on 26th November, 2017 with a new activity, ‘The Collective Bargaining Session’ on Day 1, followed by the ‘Business Idea Demonstration’ that is, the presentations on the students’ business ideas on Day 2 & 3. On Day 4, the students heavily marketed their brands, product and services by advertisements, promotional offers and by engaging in public relation activities. Finally the festivities end by the most anticipated ‘Battle of the Businesses’ on Day  5 where the participants battled head on head with each other on the basis of sales of their products and services and ultimately by making profit.

Collective bargaining is a process of negotiation between employers and a group of employees aimed at agreements to regulate working salaries, working conditions, benefits, and other aspects of workers' compensation and rights. In the ‘Collective Bargaining Session’ on Day 1, the students were divided into 2 teams; ‘The Management’ and ‘The Trade Union Representatives’. They were given to study a case related scenario concerning the two bodies. It started with the Trade Union Leader addressing their problems to the management and soon all members of both teams started participating in the bargaining session. By the end the session was outrageous yet impressive as the scenarios and solutions the participants discussed were both logical and professional. Day 1 was a success.

On Day 2 and 3, the participants demonstrated their business idea and plans to a panel of judges. The judges were wooed by the impressive presentation and engaging skills of the students. The participants were judged on the criterion of the authenticity, content, creativity and professionalism in the deliverance of their presentation. The students dressed into their Executive Attire and were confident and professionally sound.

On Day 4, the students had to answer one question in the most creative ways possible, WHAT’S YOUR BRAND? . The results were remarkable because the teams engaged in marketing activities of branding, advertising, designing promotional offers in innovative manner. The advertisement methods ranged from leaflets, flyers, and banners to sponsored beautification, TV commercials, Giveaway contests, Teaser displays, Raffle draw lottery ticket selling and so much more.  By this time the entire school premise was their battleground for the advertisement and promotion war.

But nothing could beat the wave of enthusiasm on the final day of Business Week. Day 5, Battle of the Businesses was evidently the most exciting day of them all for the participants. All their hard work was materializing in this day as they engaged in selling their products and services to general customers. The teams were head on head, battling for greater number of customers, sales and profit. The range of products and services in exhibition were food, drinks, apparel, jewelry, poster, stamps, watches, make-up, cosmetics, paintings, bookmarks, décor items and much more along with specialized services like henna art and tattoo.  The parents, teachers, guests and students were swarming in uplifting the sales of the participants and intensifying the competition further. 
The success of the entire week wouldn’t have been possible without our hardworking and creative students, the support student employees as well as members of administration and Ms. Fariya Hossain who has been the coordinating teacher over viewing the management of the event.  The students really up their game and their professional approach to the whole competition was evident. The fierce competition and multiple deserving teams left the verdict of choosing one winner to be a tough choice. 

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