Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Scholastica Mirpur (SRM) organized an interschool Basketball tournament on 13th and 14th of October 2017. Many schools took part in the tournament and ITHS was also a part of it. The tournament took place at the Mirpur branch of Scholastica.

All the members of the Basketball team (Captain Nalan Carpan 10B, Farzia Binte Karim 11B, Fariha Safa Khan 10B, Maliha Zaman 9B, Meher Nigar 9B, Ayshe Reyhan 8B, Vishwa Patel 8B, Faiza Fatema 7A, Samiha 6B, Sumeyra 6B, Jinia 6B, Samira 6A) and our PE teacher Miss Monoara Khanom along with our Basketball coach went to the venue.  The players warmed up their bodies before the match. Our first match was with Hurdco International School. ITHS won the match with the score Hurdco-2 and ITHS-34 (Hurdco 1 score, ITHS 17 scores). The match was really interesting. After successfully winning the first match, ITHS had to play another match with Scholastica  Uttata (SRU). Guess what? ITHS won this match too! ITHS took lead during the whole match. The score was tied at 9/9 for sometime and Scholastica scored a free shot and now the score was Scholastica-10 and ITHS-9. The match was intense. The players were fully focused. It was the last quarter. And just before 4 seconds before the ending Nalan the captain of the team scored and it was a basket. ITHS had won with the score 9/11 (Scholastica 9, ITHS 11).

After winning both the matches ITHS reached the Semi Finals and had to play the next day with Sunbeams and Scholastica Mirpur (SRM) as well (14th October 2017). Unfortunately, they couldn’t win with Sunbeams as they were a very well-prepared and good team. But our school tried their best to win. At least they reached the Semi Finals, which is a very big deal and is not a piece of cake. Although they could not become the champions this time but “Life Is All About The Next Step”.

The captain of our team Nalan Zehra Carpan become the best thrower at the tournament.

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