Thursday, December 17, 2015

Victory Day Programme

The International Turkish Hope School has organized a Grand Victory Day Celebration of Bangladesh, on 15th of December, 2015. Victory was observed in a befitting manner and with colorful display of the Bengali culture and its history. The event brought out utmost festivity at the ITHS auditorium in the main campus which has already been decorated with miniatures of National Mausoleum, colourful festoons and digitized banners portraying the memorable moments of the nation’s victory in the war of liberation.

To celebrate the magnificent occasion with due respect and enthusiasm, the school has arranged a two-hour program including stunning Bengali group dances, tuneful patriotic songs, poem recitation and a splendid drama which outstandingly depicts the scenario of the Liberation war in 1971.
In his welcoming remarks, The Honorable Chairman of ITHS, Mr. Bedrettin Suata, paid homage to the valiant freedom fighters and millions of martyrs, who shed their lives for making Bangladesh a free nation. He had shown his humble gratitude towards all the students, respected parents and the teachers present at the jovial event.
The event was honoured to have the worthy presence of Ms. Sahara Khatun, Advocate and Member of Parliament, and former Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Telecommunications. In her address to the guests, she paid tribute to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, heroic armed forces who had to sacrifice for the nation’s victory and stated her astonishment on the immense emphasis and importance given to the culture and mother tongue of Bangladesh, in this English-medium institution. She ended her valuable speech wishing the students of ITHS prosperous lives ahead and her strong belief that they are to make entire nation proud in near future.

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