Monday, November 30, 2015

Science Project Contest

Science is everywhere!

Science is everywhere, and understanding how it is a part of our daily lives can help students gain a great foundation for success in life. Science feeds our curiosity and provides students with valuable concepts and life skills. It gives us a greater appreciation for the world and its inhabitants, a healthy dose of skepticism, strong problem solving skills and research know-how.
Due to these facts, ITHS Girls’ Section organizes a science project contest every year to encourage students, parents, teachers, and the community to take a more active interest in the study of science. This year the 2nd Annual Science Project Contest was held on 28th November 2015 in ITHS Senior Girls’ Section. The students from 6-7-8-9 and 10th grades entered their projects in the contest.  Projects were presented in categories: chemistry (28), physics (17) and biology (15). In total there were 60 innovative and well prepared projects.

Teachers, judges, and parents have been very impressed with the quality of the work of all of our students. They pegged away at preparing their projects, and their presentations were so well prepared that the judges had hard times to mark them. The excitement in the air could be felt while wandering around the projects and looking at their enthusiastic and confident attitudes.


 Also, there were many guests to support our students and share their special occasion. The Chairman of ITHS; Mr. Bedrettin Suata and the Vice Principals; Mr. Yavuz Koca and Mr. Erkan Carpan were among the guests. Also there were some special judges; Professor Dr. Hasan Mahmud Reza, Chair of Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Associate Professor Dr. Abdul Khaleque, Faculty Member of Department of Biology & Chemistry; Associate Professor Dr. Hasan Uz Zaman, Faculty Member of Department  of Electrical & Computer Engineering from North South University.  Assistant Professor Dr. Dulali Rani Saha, Assistant Professor Dr. Shirajul Islam, Department of Education  from Uttara University. We thank all the visitors for coming and supporting this event. 

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