Sunday, November 30, 2014

English Week Activities -At a Glance

 “In today’s world, the usage of English has become so widespread that sometimes it maybe be considered as the major language of communication.”
 To develop the English skills of the students, International Turkish Hope School arranged an “English Week”. The students from grade 6-10 were participating in several competitions arranged by this event. The event consisted of several contests; a debate competition, poetry writing contest, scrabble, spelling bee and a wall magazine competition. The English language and Literature teachers of senior girls section were in charge of the competitions. The “English week” started on 9th November and ended on 18th November. The teachers were pleased with the number of interested students in the each category, and will continue to arrange such events often.
Debate Competition:
The debate competition was a great opportunity for the students to be able to display their debate skills as well as their interest to express thoughts freely and confidently in front of a room full of people,
which normally makes one nervous. The English language and literature teacher, Ms. Happy was in charge of this event. There were a total of 8 teams with 4 members in each; each group had participants from different grades. The topics were given by Ms. Happy and the students got around 1-2 days to prepare themselves. The debate sessions were judged by the English teachers of senior boys and girls section as well as Mr. Idris Koken, the Head of section.  There were 3 rounds, first round eliminated 4 teams and the second round one eliminated two teams. The teams which made it to the finals were team B (Jemima, Sadia, Antara, and Marzana) and team E (Zainab, Mariah, Nasima, and Rezwana). The winner of the debate competition was team B. The winning team was gifted with their certificates of appreciation soon after.
Spelling bee:
As a major part of English week, the Spelling Bee competition was held from 10th November to 14th November, in the multimedia room. In the first round, 9 people got selected. They were Patali Warrangana Perrera, Shahira Altaf Sneha from grade 6, Nashra Zaman, Mahiyat Nawar Mantaqa from grade 7, Anika Nawar, Ishrath Rawshan Chowdhury from grade 8 and Tasnim Naim Anika, Aniqa...and Bushra Anwar Chowdhury from grade 9 and 10. From these 9 people, 4 people got eliminated.
In the second round, the 5 people who were selected are Patali, Mantaqa, Anika N., Aniqa and Tasnim Naim Anika. The final round had some really hard spellings, such as daguerreotype and couchette. English teachers Basma and Yusra Miss were the teachers responsible for saying the words aloud. They organized three rounds of spelling bee in the final round. At last, the best speller was revealed to be Anika Nawar from 8A.
Poetry competition:
The students participating in this competition wrote poems on the topics "Mercy" and/or "Reconciliation". It proves how much the students are capable in the field of imaginative poetry writing, although a very difficult thing this is, the students showed enough courage and came up with brilliant pieces of writing. The winners are as follows:

1st position: Humayra Binte Quid (class 10)
2nd position: Navrin Mehrun Jheel (class 10)
3rd position: 1) Mehnaz Tabassum (class 9) 
                        2) Tasfiah Obaid (class 8)
Scrabble means make words. Scrabble was one of the games played in English week. The competition was between grades 6 to 9. It was played in the second floors corridor. The teachers who were in charge of the games were Basma Binte Mahbub senior girl section teacher of English language 2 and Khalida Sultana Happy Senior girl section teacher of both English language 1 and Literature. The players who were able to make it to the 3rd round of this competition were Farhat Faria  Nidima from class 7 (A) Masuma Akhter Tohfa    
From class 8 (B) and Bursha Anwar Ador from class  9 (A).After an interesting  match we finally got the winner who was Brusha Anwar Ador from class 9A.  

Wall Magazine:
This competition is all about making a magazine on a flat chart paper possesing all the categories a real magazine has. In this section, the students participating did a marvelous job of making these magazines. The winners of this competition has been announced and are as follows:
1st position: INFINITY (Class 8)
Members- Antara Fairuz, Arisha Syed, Maimuna Rashid Sawda, Sarah Wasifa Ferdousi, Farzia Binte Karim, Tahrim Jasia Joha
2nd position: VISIONAIRE (Class 8)
Members- Anika Tabassum, Nafisa Muhammad, Urooba Yousuf, Suraiya Jannat Tanha, Maryam Anjum, Nuran Karaca.
3rd position: 
Members: Anika Saiara, Adra, Nafisha Tuba, Jemmy
Members: Zareen Subah, Mayeesha Ahsan, Raisa Ahmed

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